Well i've decided to do some work from midnight and the results were the following:
1st: i can't bind the footer to the bottom of the page, only the top, which sucks but i can't do much about it.
2nd: i realized adding a js menu while not a bad idea, isn't something that fits the site aesthetic, so that's a no.
3rd: the entire site was a mess behind the scene so i have taken the liberty to do some cleanup on the dashboard, there was a ton of reordering, big thanks for Neocities not having a clear feature to move multiple items in one place, but regarldess website has been reordered and i have made my best to add the favicon as much as i can, the footer has been moved lower and i made the paragraph pages have more space to work around in, there is still more crap to clean up but it's at least better than before, oh and also the old version of the website is now "oldsite/oldsite" (wow what a mouthful), so it's not only accessible but also in good company!
Merry christmass, i know it has been an eternity but i have seen the website now and holy shit there is some stuff to update, along with somethings that i have planned to note:
1st: Website if it wasn't obvious it's going to be forever WIP so expansions might come and go if needed
2nd: I've done what i though i should have done long ago and added favicon to the site along with a custom header for the 404 page, favicon only appears in the main page but i will plan to add it to the rest once i am done with it.
3rd: I'm considering to also update the website again with making a cool and new feature where you do not need to go back to the main page to check out all the stuff you want to see, it will only be part of the right side and the left side will still be only available for the main page, i also had an idea to host my SWF work in here to try out but only time will tell.
Well it has taken me a while but i did it, the entire website is FULLY centered, (at least for me and my 1366 by 768 monitor).
All i had to do, was to add in the style sheet body class 3 things, margin: auto, position: relative, and width: 770px, and so far people seem to be saying it's centered so that is a relief...
For now that is, The website won't feel like it's been glued together...
Again, i really don't have many plans to post in here much but if i do have Some ideas, i will share them here!
GOD MOTHER FUCKING DAMN, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, oh don't mind me i am screaming because i had to hit the the wall contineuously trying to get the main page on the center, and succeeded with... 85% success! it's not perfect but it's better than nothing... i should be able to apply to the other relevant website soon enough, time will tell.
Happy new year, where i live right now it's currently Silent hill with rain added in the mix!
i admit i didn't do much on the website, but i have been busy with stuff and i feel like it's to remedy that, I have been experimenting on other stuff, i finished around 11 animations, my Most watched on youtube is my 16 second animations of tails beating the shit out of tails, i made a sequel of the thing but it has yet gathered the amount of numbers i got with the first, i hope that it will at least make them known that i like to give stuff some depth, my most viewed on newgrounds is a birthday animation to one of my japanese friends.
Art wise, i planned a big art summary of this year which i plan to post it on Newgorunds in that blog, Why not here? Because i feel like here isn't where you should check out for my news, it's more of a nice place to archive stuff! if i remember to update it that is.
Took me a while, but i've did it, the news section has a scroll bar and you can test if you spam Lorem ipsums probably.
it took me a while and admittedly and i had to rely on youtube tutorials, though it wasn't that painful thankfuly.
if you notice the CSS of the page you would notice that it's as simple as to add 2 values to the code, those being:
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
i would recommend though if you have a book or a text tutorial to follow that one instead of going with youtube tutorials, they are a lot more clearer.
in other news, all of the other Pages of the site have now been updated to the new site layout, you can check'em out right now! (note: Sevod Real Good will not get updated because it's perfected the way it is.)
Well... look who came back to redo his site admittedly it's not the best right now but if everything goes well i do plan to stuff like scrolling bar so to have a wayyy better experience,
Regardless one thing i will say is this yes it is meant to be on the top left, i was going to make it more centralized but i decided against it, and honestly i am quite happy how it came out!
Oh and yes the other pages will need to update also so in the meantime, enjoy the old versions while you can, if you want to go the old version of the index, you can write oldsite in the HTTP section at the end at the place of main